TEST World Radiocommunication ConferenceJoint Stock Company "Electronic Communications Office"

The Joint Stock Company “Electronic Communications Office” administers the radio frequency spectrum and numbering, plans the technical utilisation of the radio frequency spectrum, determines assignments, provides electromagnetic compatibility and allocates identification signals for the operation of the radio equipment. The company is responsible for the provision of numbering services. The responsibility of the “Electronic Communications Office” includes technical expertises of technical projects for the installation of electronic communications networks and the co-ordination of construction projects. In order to optimise the Company’s resources, the role of regional offices in supervision and control functions has been enforced.



Specialists of the JSC “Electronic Communications Office” represent the interests of Latvia in working groups of the International Telecommunications Union, EuropeanConference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations and the institutions of the European Commission, co-ordinate radio frequency assignments with Administrations of neibhouring countries in accordance with the procedures, prescribed by international agreements and conventions mandatory for Latvia.